
Research Requests

Researching an individual or one of the regiments represented at The Highlanders’ Museum?

You can now purchase Research Requests via our online shop! Just fill out the form and add it to your basket; once the Research Request has been paid for, we will be in touch with your research within 4-6 weeks, which will be sent to you via the email address you provide at checkout.

The basic fee for a Research Request is £24. For an additional charge of £10, we can send you hardcopies of the records we find.

Before submitting a research request, please check that the information held at the museum is relevant to your research here.

(In the instance that we cannot find any relevant research in our archives, you will be informed and your payment refunded.)


Your wedding should be one of the most unforgettable days of your life. Make it a day to remember at the Fort George Chapel and The Highlanders’ Museum.

Room Hire

The Blue Hackle Rooms offer a unique location for weddings, functions, parties, lunches, meetings and corporate hospitality  in the heart of the Highlands.

The Collection

Our Collection is one the largest regimental display outside London. Founded over 60 years ago, the Museum houses more than 50,000 objects.


The archive at The Highlanders’ Museum (Queen’s Own Highlanders Collection)  covers six British regiments & our allied regiments from overseas. 

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